Showing 28 Result(s)
Purpose have as one's intention

Live An Intentional Life

What’s your why? What’s your purpose in life? You get up every morning and start your day. You go about your day just like you do everyday. Work. Entertain kids. Eat. Unwind. You put yourself to …

Say Yes to Change!

Is it possible to change? To change your thoughts? To change your perceptions? To change your reactions? To change the stories in your head?  What do you believe? If you do not believe it is …

Women Contemplating in the sunset

Why not you? Why not now?

What is your dream?  You have a dream. We all do. It might be grandiose like running for office to change public policy affecting people of color. It might be closer to home like creating …

Choose a Vacation Mindset

I’ve been mulling over vacations for the last month. When we typically think of a vacation, we think about laying on a beach with a book or if you are my husband, sleeping on the …

Water Slides

Waterslides, Fear and Regret

Ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking about something completely out of the blue? Last night, while tossing and turning, I couldn’t stop thinking about a trip my family took when I …