Take a moment, think about the BIGGEST dream you have for your life then close your eyes! Yes, really do it. What comes up for you? Maybe thoughts like:

I’m not smart enough. I’m not bold enough. I’m not vocal enough. I’m not fill in the blank enough.
These thoughts knock down your dream right away and stop you from moving forward.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Say good bye to doubt and YES to your biggest dream with PHOENIX!
Are you ready?
Phoenix is a Journey!
A journey deep into your being.
Deep into your fears, beliefs and stories.
It’s a journey to dismantle the doubt that is holding you hostage.
It’s a journey to the depths of who you are today so you can become who you need to be for your biggest dream to come true.

It’s a journey for you, if YOU:
✦ Held back by fear and you are done focusing on the surface level of it. You are ready to face your fears head on.
✦ Feel hidden beliefs just below the surface and can’t put your finger on them. You want to unearth them.
✦ Desire saying thank you and good bye to the stories that no longer serve you.
✦ Crave creating new stories and beliefs from an empowered place. A place fully connected to you and not your doubt.
✦ Hunger to know yourself fully separate from your emotions and old beliefs.
Phoenix is a program designed to give you the space to burn your old beliefs, plant new beliefs and spread your wings!
What is Phoenix?
Phoenix is a 9 month container for you to GO DEEP, deeper than you ever have been before.
When you go deeper, you will find stories, beliefs, and fears that scare you, feel ugly, shake you to the core. These are what your doubts were built on and stop you in your tracks. You will actively break these stories, beliefs and fears down and release them.
Cleared of these stories, beliefs and fears, you’ll plant and empower new stories. Create the structure for stepping into who you want to be and the impact you want to create in the world.
What’s Included?
Phoenix includes:
✦ 3 coaching sessions a month
✦ Guided Meditation Recordings
✦ Individualized reflections and journal guides to deep your awareness
✦ Personal practices to strengthen your growth
✦ Extras resources based on your individualized path
✦ Email support between sessions
✦ Ending celebration
I’m Jamie Martin – a coach. You can call me a life coach, a leadership coach or an executive coach. For me they all hold the same vision – support you in breaking through your doubts, break through overthinking and hesitating. How did I get here?
Short version. I doubted myself. I overthought. Until like you, I was done. I was done with the doubt. I was done wondering what impact I wanted to create and doubting whether I could successfully do it.
I choose to step into the vision I had for years – be a coach. Be a healer of doubt and fear. Create a launching pad for you to soar with your wings spread wide!
What helped me break my own doubt? My own stories? Doing this work myself. I continue to do it because there is more and more to unpack each time I go further down and my wings spread further and further out each time I do.